Nik's Pig
Are you ready for Nik's Pig? Probably not! First, some history. This is a first for our web page, a fan submission! So, let's hope this is the first of many, get e-mailing you crazy BERD fans!

Here is Nik's message, to help you understand the artwork more!

Hey all you Krazy berds, how Yall doin??
Just wanted 2 email U, in respect to ur rather comical and all round
entertaining Web-site.
Firstly congrats!
Secondly, enclosed is a picture tht i am fond of drawing, an tht i have been
devaloping throughout lessons of various sorts, and thought it would not be
totally out of place on your web-site.
Of course, the mature tone needs 2 be kept throughout, so i can only say tht
"the pig" would be honoured with a place on its fine servers :D
I was thinkin some sort of funny cartoon, or even his own lillte section on
the intro page would not be too out of place, but ur the boss'
Enjoy the picture anyway :D


So, without further ado, click here to see this masterpiece of modern art at its finest!